Last Update : 22 August, 2023 | Published : 24 July, 2023 | 2 min to read

Use Cases

Edit in Git Repo

Cluster Event Tracking

Use KubViz to monitor your cluster events, including:

  • State changes
  • Errors
  • Other messages that occur in the cluster
  • Visualize Deprecated Kubernetes APIs: KubViz provides a clear visualization of deprecated Kubernetes APIs, allowing users to easily identify and update their usage to comply with the latest Kubernetes versions
  • Track Outdated Images: With KubViz, you can track and monitor outdated images within your clusters, ensuring that you are using the most up-to-date and secure versions.
  • Identify Deleted APIs: KubeViz helps you identify any deleted APIs in your clusters, guiding you to find alternative approaches or replacements to adapt to changes in Kubernetes APIs.

Git Repository Events Tracking

  • KubViz allows you to track and observe all the events in your git repository..

  • By capturing events such as commits, merges, and other Git activities, KubViz provides valuable insights into the evolution of your code. This comprehensive change tracking capability allows you to analyze the effects of code modifications on your development and deployment workflows, facilitating efficient collaboration among teams.With this feature, you can easily identify the root causes of issues, ensure code integrity, and maintain a clear understanding of the changes happening within your Git repositories

Container Registry Events Tracking

  • Using KubViz you can also monitors changes in your container registry, providing visibility into image updates. By tracking these changes, KubViz helps you proactively manage container registries.

Kubernetes Container Security Tracking

Using KubViz you can comprehensively scan the kubernetes containers for the security flaws such as vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Detects comprehensive vulnerabilities in OS packages (Alpine, Red Hat Universal Base Image, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, openSUSE Leap, SUSE Enterprise Linux, Photon OS and Distroless).

Detects configuration issues in Kubernetes cluster

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